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Super Seal Filler- A revolutionary answer in repairing leather

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Super Seal Filler was developed out of necessity when looking for a solution to repair badly cat scratched leather couches. With many fillers taking long periods of time to dry before sanding, super seal filler takes literally seconds to cure and can be sanded with as coarse as 240 grit sandpaper to a fine edge without peeling. It is THE leather technicians answer to a fast, quality long lasting repair where time is money and getting the job done quickly is important. The glass damage on the perforated car seats below were repaired in 5 minutes and are virtually invisible before any recolouring and top coating! We have technicians all around Australia, New Zealand, USA and the UK using this product!

Featured in our DIY kits, this product simplifies and halves the time required to achieve a remarkable result to cat scratched and surface damaged leather. Combined with our Variant Spray Grain and Variant Leather Colour System, we teach you how to achieve professional result with amateur experience.

Our professional technicians continue to find new innovative ways to use this product in their every day work schedules. Super Seal is a super seller!

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